INSIDE AWEC: She Makes Africa Centre Stage

Ever wondered how community building, collaboration, and peer networking can turn entrepreneurs into rock stars? Well, at AWEC, we've mastered the art! Our program equips fellows with these skills, propelling their business growth and community enrichment. But here's the kicker: long after the program ends, our alumnae continue to shine, proving that the power of community is the entrepreneur's secret weapon

One such initiative is the She Makes Africa Centre Stage. The AWEC's Alumnae Advisory Board (AAB) sets the stage for this new, virtual, TEDx-style series that is quickly becoming a fan favorite in the alumnae network. We sat down with the Vice Chair of the AAB and Cohort 3 alumna, Kunbi Osinoiki, to get the exclusive.


AWEC: Can you tell us about She Makes Africa Centre Stage?

KUNBI: This was an initiative conceived by the community-building committee of the AAB. We know the alumnae body is made up of women who were impacting Africa in so many ways. We thought, well, she makes Africa dot dot dot. And those dots were for everybody to fill in the blanks. She makes Africa ...beautiful. She makes Africa... environmentally cleaner. Whatever it is! We landed on [She Makes Africa] as an umbrella term that would cover us all.

We wanted to take that a step further, to hear the voices and provide an opportunity for the women to tell us what they were doing in and for Africa.

"It’s become an opportunity for alumnae to come on the stage and share their story."

We wanted a little in-house TEDx where you could mount the stage for a week and talk about whatever it is you were passionate about. Since it's not possible for everybody to be in one room at the same time, we thought, let's just do this through a series of posts on the social platforms that people can engage with when they're able- to give people an opportunity to learn from one another, to be encouraged and inspired by one another's stories.

AWEC: I love that. And what is your ultimate goal and hope with it?

KUNBI: I think African women struggle to find their voice. And I know there are many women out there who are like, I want to do this, but I don't know what to say or I don't know how to say it. I'm hoping that we'll get to a point where we're oversubscribed and we have more people who want to mount the stage than we have slots available because I think there's so much we can learn.

We're such a rich community and there are so many women who have amazing things to share. We could have a person a day sharing something that is of value, lifting other women up, giving other women the courage to continue and inspire others to try new things. The ladies who've done it so far talk about how people have reached out to them. They've created and forged new alliances, partnerships, and opportunities. [A lot has] come their way just from being seen and being heard on She Makes Africa. [As an entrepreneur] this is even a good place to practice your pitching skills!

"There is no right or wrong way. We just want to hear your voice."

Rehearsing your story in a room full of friends so that by the time you're standing out there in the big, wide, world trying to convince a member of Parliament, a committee, a dragon [from Dragon’s Den], or whatever it is that you're trying to do, you've had an opportunity to rehearse it in a safe and secure place.

I'm hoping that we'll get a lot more ladies putting their hands up to say, ‘Okay, I'm going to give this a go’. There is no right or wrong way. We just want to hear your voice.


Building Communities for Change

If you want to go far, go together

—African Proverb

African women entrepreneurs personify the spirit of community in all aspects of their lives. It’s the heartbeat of the African continent. Community-building initiatives in business can be life-changing. They facilitate growth and empowerment through collective action.

You can grow your own network of like-minded businesswomen. Reach out to a fellow entrepreneur in your area to:

  • Discuss the latest trends in your industry

  • Share news of government schemes that could impact your businesses

  • Practice your elevator pitches with each other!

Take a leaf out of the She Makes Africa initiative and kickstart your own collective. Or join an existing one!

  • Define its purpose.

  • Select a suitable platform. Facebook and LinkedIn groups are excellent platforms to start.

  • Build a cohort of collaborators with clear objectives and goals.

  • Continually adapt as the group grows, seeking feedback and embracing diversity of ideas.

Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned executive, community building provides the space where remarkable stories are told and transformative connections await.

The entrepreneurial road becomes less rocky and easier to steer when we walk it together. It is the spirit that AWEC proudly embodies.

For more information about She Makes Africa Centre Stage, email


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