Meeting the UN’s SDGs: AWEC’s Proven Impact

Launched to meet an expressed need for better access to high quality business and management skills training, AWEC was explicitly designed to create impact for African women entrepreneurs. Our unique blended learning approach leverages technology to expand our reach across Africa, cultivate relationships between participants, and equip women with the skills to take their ventures to the next level. 

Our program design and proven results align with three of the UN’s stated Sustainable Development Goals for 2030: 

  • SDG #4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

  • SDG #5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

  • SDG #8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

AWEC’s contributions to achieving the goals of quality education, gender equality, and decent work and economic growth are sustained by the generous philanthropic support from foundations, corporations, and individuals who share our vision of changing Africa through women-led entrepreneurship. 

This Giving Tuesday, support us in empowering African women entrepreneurs with the knowledge and network necessary to build resilient and scalable businesses. To donate online and help us meet our goal to raise $9,211 in one day, click here

Why are we seeking to raise $9,211 on Giving Tuesday? It’s the average annual increase in revenue that our entrepreneurs experience after completing the AWEC program. By supporting AWEC, you are helping hundreds of women across Africa to gain more equal access to critical business management knowledge and a pan-African network of their peers.

Donate today and join the AWEC community!



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